This wacky adventure puts you in the shoes of Bud Tucker, a pizza delivery boy who also has a job as a lab assistant during the nights. The story involves some fantastic features, mad scientist and robots. One day, Bud found the Professor missing and later learns he's been kidnapped by the evil ~censored~ Tate. Tate, an insane, whiny sob wishes to create a world filled with the people he loves most...himself. To do that, he plans to use one of the Professor's inventions and clone a billion versions of himself to populate the world. It's up to Bud Tucker to track down the loon and the Professor before Barryville becomes Tate Town. It's a point & click adventure where you must travel to various locations in Barryville and find clues and help from the citizens there. The game play consists of picking up items and using them when necessary. There are 3 parts in the game and in the first part, Bud Tucker is locked up in a crumbly hotel in Seedy Street. Speech is available in the game as well as subtitles. The menu (pick up, use, etc) can be displayed in words as well as icons. This cartoon adventure is sadly little known because Eidos cancelled its plan to distribute the game in the U.S.
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